Latinos in Architecture Committee

Latinos in Architecture

LiA gathers the first Tuesday of every month from 6pm-7pm in-person at Architecture Center Houston or via Zoom

Interested in joining LiA Committee.
Contact Jennifer Ward at

Craig Garcia, AIA

Yvette Ramos, AIA

Staff Liaison
Jennifer Ward

Latinos in Architecture Committee

The AIA Houston Latinos in Architecture committee brings awareness of Latino culture through architecture, art, cuisine, music, and language. To inform the architectural community and provide a resource for professional development opportunities. At the same time assisting our local community with:

  • Mentoring, Grant, Scholarship programs to local colleges
  • Mentor program for foreign Architects to pursue licensure
  • Highlighting Latino Architects
  • Community Outreach

The Latinos in Architecture Committee meets at 6pm on the first Tuesday of the month at Architecture Center Houston and on Zoom here 

Latinos in Archtiecture has several subcommittee that meet monthly as well:

  • Collegiate Mentorship & Scholarship Subcommitee meets the third Wednesday of the month at noon.
  • International and Outreach Subcommitee
  • Outreach Committee meets at noon the fourth Monday of the month.

If you are interested in joining one of the sub-committees, please email Jennifer Ward

La mission del comité AIA Houston Latinos en Arquitectura es promover, informar y enriquecer acerca de la cultura latina – por medio de la arquitectura, arte, cocina, música e idioma – enriqueciendo la comunidad de arquitectura, y brindar oportunidades de desarrollo professional. A la vez asistiendo la comunidad con:

  • Ofrecer tutorías y becas a Universidades locales
  • Ofrecer asesoría a Arquitectos foráneos que buscan obtener su licencia en Texas
  • Brindar tutoría académica a distritos escolares con niveles académico bajos 


Latinos in Architecture Committee