October 16-18, 2024
Save the date for COLORES, Latinos in Architecture’s fifth annual celebration of Hispanic culture. This year’s event takes place October 16-18, 2024 at Architecture Center Houston. Speakers and special guest will be announced soon.
COLORES, Latinos in Architecture’s fifth annual celebration of Hispanic culture will take place October 16-18, 2024 at Architecture Center Houston and Kirksey Architecture featuring Marcus Martinez Assoc. AIA, Partner, with Ultra Barrio; Rafael Longoria, Professor, Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture, University of Houston; Veronica Avila, Owner, Henderson & Kate; Donkeemom (Sylvia Roman) and Donkeeboy (Alex Roman Jr.), Visual Artists; a tour and conversation at the Alley Theater; and performances by Proyeccion Latina Houston and a Mariachi quartet lead by Julian Corona-Medina.
Please consider becoming a sponsor of COLORES. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Architecture Center Houston’s Latinos in Architecture scholarship program, established by the AIA Houston Latinos in Architecture Committee in 2019. More information about the scholarship program may be found here.

Platinum Sponsor





Schedule & Tickets
Symposium Schedule:
Wednesday, October 16, 6pm
An evening with Rafael Longoria, Professor, Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture, University of Houston and Veronica Avila, Owner, Henderson & Kane.
Refreshments provided by Henderson & Kane.
Architecture Center Houston
902 Commerce St
Houston, TX 77002
Thursday, October 17, 5:30pm
An evening with Marcus Martinez Assoc. AIA, Partner, with Ultra Barrio; Donkeemom (Sylvia Roman) and Donkeeboy (Alex Roman Jr.), Visual Artists; and performances by Proyeccion Latina Houston and a Mariachi quartet lead by Julian Corona-Medina.
Drinks and dinner included
Kirksey Archtiecture
6909 Portwest Dr
Houston, TX 77024
Friday, October 18, 4pm
A tour and conversation at the Alley Theater
Alley Theater
615 Texas Ave
Houston, TX 77002

Become a sponsor
COLORES, Latinos in Architecture’s fourth annual celebration of Hispanic culture will take place October 16-18, 2024 at Architecture Center Houston and Kirksey Architecture. Speakers and special guests will be annouced soon.
Please consider becoming a sponsor of COLORES. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Architecture Center Houston’s Latinos in Architecture scholarship program, established by the AIA Houston Latinos in Architecture Committee in 2019. More information about the scholarship program may be found here.
Please consider making a contribution.
Sponsorships may be sent online or through the mail to: AIA Houston,
902 Commerce St, Houston, Texas, 77002. Please be sure to include “Latinos in Architecture” on the memo line of your check. Online donations may be made through the AIA Houston website here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please select a sponsorship opportunity.
Platinum Sponsor – Latinos in Architecture Symposium ($5,000.00)
- Sponsor recognition by support level on AIAH
- Website and social media platforms
- Eight (8) tickets to the Latinos in Architecture COLORES
- Link to company website and logo on Latinos in Architecture COLORES email blasts
Gold Sponsor – Latinos in Architecture Symposium ($3,000.00)
- Sponsor recognition by support level on AIAH
- Website and social media platforms
- Six (6) tickets to the Latinos in Architecture COLORES
- Link to company website and logo on Latinos in Architecture COLORES email blasts
Silver Sponsor – Latinos in Architecture Symposium ($1,500.00)
- Sponsor recognition by support level on AIAH
- Website and social media platforms
- Four (4) tickets to the Latinos in Architecture COLORES
- Link to company website and logo on Latinos in Architecture COLORES email blasts
Bronze Sponsor – Latinos in Architecture Symposium ($800.00)
- Sponsor recognition by support level on AIAH Website and social media platforms
- Two (2) ticket to the Latinos in Architecture COLORES
- Link to company website and logo on Latinos in Architecture COLORES email blasts
COLORES Sponsorship


