Committee on Architecture for Health

Mike Cavazos, AIA
BSA LifeStructures

Staff Liaison
Rhonda Lowe
AIA Houston


In addition to the resources available to healthcare architects at AIA Houston, we invite you to take advantage of these regional and national communitites for additional educational, networking, awareness, and advocacy opportunities.

AIA Academy of Architecture for Health

The AAH mission is to improve both the quality of healthcare design and the design of healthy communities by developing, documenting, and disseminating knowledge; educating design practitioners and other related constituencies; advancing the practice of architecture; and affiliating and advocating with others that share these priorities.

Join the Academy of Architecture for Health by updating your AIA Account.

American College of Healthcare Architects

The American College of Healthcare Architects provides Board Certification for Architects who practice as healthcare specialists. Certificate holders include healthcare architects throughout the United States and Canada with specialized skills and proven expertise.

Health SES 2025

Helix Park 1885 Old Spanish Trl, Houston, TX, United States

Save the date for Health SES 2025! Health Symposium Exhibition & Social (SES) annually provides an opportunity for education and networking to members of the architectural and healthcare communities. The […]

Committee on Architecture for Health