Sandcastle Competition
Saturday, September 21, 2024
East Beach parking is $15 (CASH ONLY; NO ATM)
All attendees 12 years old and older must purchase a ticket. Tickets can be pre-ordered or purchased at the gate for $10.00. Your ticket does not include parking.
Pre-order a ticket using the link below.
Animesh Gupta, RA, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Lisa Bench
Staff Liaison
Alex Moreno
Staff Liaison (Vendor Contracts)
Jennifer Ward
Teams: Frequently Asked Questions
The 2024 Official Competition Rules can be downloaded here.
The Sandcastle event will proceed rain or shine. We are always concerned for the health and safety of our participants and guests, therefore only in the event of a natural disaster would the event be canceled. If there are any changes, we will update the information here.
Parking at East Beach Galveston is $15 CASH ONLY. All money is collected by and benefits the Galveston Parks Board. There is no ATM. There is no Metro bus service, train line, or rapid transit to Galveston for the event. Carpooling is strongly recommended. Allow time for traffic and parking.
How many Parking Passes can we get?
You will not receive any parking passes. Parking is $15 CASH ONLY per vehicle.
How many Shoreline Passes does each team receive?
Teams will receive ONE Shoreline access pass for the day (does not include parking)
Where can I go to purchase food?
East Beach Cantina
Will food be provided by the event?
Team participants wearing wristbands will have access to our Sponsor Tents, where they may or may not be serving food. We advise teams to come prepared with their own food and water.
If propane tanks are used, they must be stabilized (seated in tank storage on grill or placed in milk crate, etc.)
Where can I get ice?
Teams may pre-order ice HERE (Deadline is Friday, August 16)
Teams typically order between 10-15 bags of ice and have half delivered in the morning and the other half delivered in the afternoon. There will be volunteers who will be coordinating the delivery of the ice. Ice may also be purchased at the East Beach Cantina.
When will ice be delivered?
We aim to have ice delivered to teams before the competition begins. Once the ice truck arrives, volunteers distribute ice to the First Aid and Beer Tents first, followed by team tents. Depending on how much ice a team ordes, volunteers will be able to offer a morning and afternoon drop off. A representative from each team checks-in at the ice table to make sure the team is ready to receive ice.
Can teams bring a foldable wagon to transport food, drinks, water cooler, etc.?
How many people are typically on a team?
Anywhere from 10 to 200! This number is dependent on the amount of time and funding the team would like to invest. We have seen some quite elaborate teams and other teams who compete with the bare minimum. Always remember- no matter where you fall on this scale, you all have the same opportunity to win!
Who can be on my team?
Teams are required to have at least one AIA Member/ Firm or an AIA Affiliate member on their team.
Children under 12-years of age do not need a Participant Event Wristband to participate in the sandcastle building site.
Is there a limit to the number of people on my site? No.
You are allowed to have as many people in the site as you want along as everyone is practicing safe procedures.
Is there a limit to the number of team participants who can be on the active building site at any time?
No, there is not a limit, but we ask that teams exercise caution.
Can I bring my own foldable tables?
Yes, but you must stay within your allotted space and not overflow into the public space or into other neighboring teams.
Is there a limit to the number of chairs on our site?
No, just don’t overflow into other sites or public access.
Are shovels and/or other building supplies provided?
No. It is up to indivudual teams to bring whatever building material is needed, such as buckets, shovels, rakes, sprayers, etc.
When building your sandcastle, is it ok to use seaweed and/or sticks found on/around the beach area?
Sculptures must be made of sand and water only. No other materials or additives are allowed in the sculpture or on formwork.
Are generators allowed?
No fossil fuel burning generators are allowed.
Are batteries allowed?
The Committee approves the use of solar recharging batteries.
When we say “battery not allowed” we are referring to something like a car battery powering the water pump etc.
Are community piles allowed?
No, community piles are not allowed.
Does everyone need to have wristbands?
Required for all 12 & up working with team site and delivering water. Wristband sharing is prohibited. Any team caught breaking this rule will be disqualified from the event.
Your guests do not need a wristband BUT, they may not enter the actual building site nor assist with delivering water. Please be sure that anyone you have on your site does not impinge on any neighboring sites or overflow into public access walkways.
If I order additional wristbands, do they come with a T-Shirt?
Yes. Teams have the option of opting out of a shirt, however the price will remain the same.
Can teams design their own T-Shirt?
Yes, we encourage it! There is an award for the best Team T-Shirt Design.
Custom team designed T-Shirts are seperate from the event T-shirt teams receive with the purchase of wristbands. The AIA Sandcastle T-Shirt is printed on both sides, so there will not be an opportunity for teams to use the reverse side for a team’s artwork.
What are the limitations within a Theme/Category?
Each of our categories are intended to be broad enough to allow teams creative license designing their sand sculpture ideas.
A factor of the judging criteria is relation to category. If your team sand sculpture does not relate to the category, your team will not score well.
Tents/canopies are prohibited over grills, as per the Galveston Fire Marshal. No exceptions.
Private team and sponsor tents are not open to the public. Sponsor tents require a wristband to access.
Who does the installation and take-down of our tents?
If your tent supplier does not include installation and removal (typically will incur an additional cost), you will be responsible to the set-up and take down of your tent. You may not leave any part of your tent on the beach after the competition.
Can I attach extra banners, signs, or flags to my tent?
Yes, you may, but you must stay within your allotted space and not overflow into the public space or into other neighboring teams. Shade structures are not allowed over the actual build site.
If I rent a tent for your vendor list, will I need to pay the $100 fire permit fee?
No, each tent company will purchase a blanket permit for all tents rented out by them.
Can teams bring their own tent(s)?
Yes, teams may bring their own tent(s). All tents that are over 400 Square Feet (20x20feet) require a permit and one (1) 10lb ABC Fire Extinguisher. You will only need to pay a one-time permit fee of $100.
Sandcastle teams intending to cook or set up canopies should fill out the following form for approval / coordination with the Galveston Fire Marshal:
Galveston Fire Department Temporary Booth/Vendor Application
This application is to be fulfilled by Teams providing their own tent. A team providing their own tent must still meet the all requirements other requirements, specifically shading devices to be 12’ away from a flame source.
NOTE: A Tent Fire Retardant Certification is required. Make sure your pop-up tent has the following information similar to the examples below:

How many tents is a team allowed to have on its respective site?
Please review the figures below on how teams can incorporate additional tent coverage utilizing their alloted space.

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